Day Two

How Manifestation Works and Closing the Gap to Where You Want to Be


Hi there - Katie J again! 

Welcome back to my Back to Basics Manifestation Series, where we are breaking down simple, easy steps towards manifesting with grace and ease.

Today is Day 2 - before you go forward, you should have already written three big pages worth of your desires, your dreams, your goals, your visions. Whether they are big 10-year visions, or very specific like a van, or a spouse, or a house or a new job doesn't matter. Just flush out as much as you can on three pieces of paper. And once you've done that, you're ready to move forward with this video.

So, man, how does manifestation work?

You decide what it is that you want, and then you believe that you can have it. And we'll talk more about belief in the next video. But today, we're going to talk about the gap. The gap between where you are here, and where your desires are. 

So your desires are at the vibration of abundance and love and joy and peace and prosperity, right? 

That's where your desires are, they're vibrating up here, and you're vibrating down here - usually. Usually, this is the case when you're not living your desires, right? 

If you're not living your desires then you have a desire that you haven't currently manifested, then you're down here. And you are down here for a variety of reasons. 

It could be any number of reasons. Maybe you don't believe you can have it. Maybe you don't believe you're worthy of it. Maybe you think that you have to do something else to deserve it, you have to work harder, you have to sacrifice. 

You didn't go to school for long enough, you didn't do this, you have no experience in this. 

So how is it that you can have this desire if you're in a different vibration? 

You're in a vibration of doubt. If you don't have what it is that you want, doubt fear, limiting beliefs, trauma, all these things can prevent us from really fully believing in the inevitability of what it is that we desire. 

So all of that stuff in between - that's the shadow.

That's the shadow. The stuff that we get to look at. 

That's the reason why my job exists as a shadow healer is to reflect back to you a loving mirror and say, What do you mean by that? Do you really mean that you can't have that? Do you really mean that it's going to be hard? Do you really mean that you have to sacrifice that? You can't have both? You can't have this? And this? Do you really believe that? Right? 

So my job is to always reflect back to you and show you the things that you might not even realize are in your subconscious energy field. When we do that we identify those limiting beliefs, we can then process them. 

What I see happening all the time, is that people like to bypass those limiting beliefs because they think, "Well I know I can have it. I know that cognitively I could have anything. I can have whatever life that I want."

You can but you just don't actually believe that you can. 

So instead of trying to bypass the shadow, which a lot of people do, you might have heard of spiritual bypass before. I refer to it as shadow bypass. 

It's an old relationship that's haunting me, it's somebody who hurt me. So I have walls up. But I don't really want to look at those things, I don't really want to talk about those things. I'm just gonna push them down into the shadows. Well, guess what, these shadows are affecting your energy fields. They are preventing you from being an energetic match to that love, joy, peace, prosperity, and abundance that you want, that you desire.

So step three of the manifestation cycle, as I call it, is to process.

Don't bypass the shadows, don't bypass the stuff that is preventing you from getting where you want to be. We'll talk about quantum leaping in the next video, a quantum leap in your belief systems.  

Oftentimes, instead of quantum leaping, going from where you are to where you want to be, it's a gradual step that we do of gradually releasing shadow after shadow after shadow so that we can get back to the light..

So when I say process, don't bypass, I'm talking specifically about, what I often do with my clients is called shadow healing. It's what I do. It's actually what I'll be teaching in the live events happening on June 27. So keep an eye out for more information on that. But that whole workshop is going to be on shadow healing and guiding you through it so that you can do it on your own. And you don't necessarily always need somebody holding your hand.

So shadow healing is the process of looking at this shit that hurts. Looking at the stuff we've pushed away looking at the resentment and the anger and the jealousy and the lies and all the things that we have not allowed ourselves to really look at. So I look at that with you, and I hold space for you to do that.

There's also trauma release - trauma is trapped in the body, and it will affect our nervous system and affect our ability to manifest. You can heal trauma. So don't worry, we all have trauma, and we can heal it, we can move through it, we can not allow it to stop us from living our best lives. 

That's something that I do, again, with my clients. And in my group project coaching program, we will be getting into releasing trauma from the nervous system, allowing our nervous system to complete its cycle. That process, learning how to allow our nervous system to come down back to rest and digest and complete the cycle is what I assist my clients in through somatic healing practice. Using the body as an instrument for healing. 

So not only are we doing shadow healing with stuff that's going on in our minds, we're also doing shadow healing with stuff that's going on in our bodies. And what this allows us to do is build resilience so that when there's a stressful situation, when there's a trigger, when there's something bad that happens in our reality, or frustrating that happens in our external reality, it might impact us for a few minutes, or even an hour or so. But it's not going to impact our whole week, or a whole month, or a whole year or a whole lifetime. We allow that process to completely allow the disappointment to rise up to really feel it. And to release that is the process of shadow healing. 

When you do this continuously, and you're dedicated to that process, you will build resilience to future shadows, and future traumas and future setbacks, challenges, etc. Because all those things are inevitable. They're inevitable, they're gonna happen, it's life. But if you know how to move through it, because you know how to process shadow wounds, and process trauma, which I'm going to teach inside of my group coaching program, and also in my live events happening this month. Then you can get from where you are to where you want to be. You can get from, I don't believe I can have this or I don't believe I deserve this, or who am I to do this, to of course I can have this I need this. It's actually just as inevitable as me being able to breathe air and receive sunshine. 

These trees don't question whether or not they're taking up too much space. Why should I?

The universe, because it's a vibrational universe, has no other option, but to send you the people, the situations, the opportunities, the ideas, and insights to help you manifest what it is that you desire. 

Okay, so what we do is we set that goal, and then we process the shadow that tells us that we cannot have that goal. 

So your homework for stage two of this mini-training is to write down all of the beliefs that tell you that you cannot have what you wrote down on your three pages from the last video. 

Your homework today is to write out all the limiting beliefs, all of the doubts, all of the fears, all of the buts. Write it all down. All those things, flush it out, shoot for three pages, and I'll see you in the next video.