Welcome to the

Lightworker Workshop Series

Day One


1. Opening Meditation + Welcome

2. Discussion: Connecting to your purpose, finding your niche, why there's no such thing as competition

3. Homework

4. Live Q&A

Homework Questions (create a sacred space and then hand write these in a journal or piece of paper): What is your healing story? What have you overcome, healed (are currently healing), or moved through in your life? Who do you feel called to serve? How do you want to help them? What do you want to support them through? What type of work brings you love, joy, and fulfillment?


Day Two



Welcome + Guided Meditation

Discuss: What's needed to manifest, common limiting beliefs that hold people back from manifesting, shadow work, and money.

Homework: 1. List all of the limiting beliefs and unhelpful stories that will prevent you from manifesting

2. Pick one to focus on- Set a timer for 12 minutes, on a loose-leaf piece of paper, allow yourself to write anything that comes to mind/heart. Let it flow and don't stop writing until the timer goes off. Even if that means you need to repeat the same sentence a few times. When you're done, burn the paper. Please be responsible when burning. Use a firepit, sink, or other safe space. The idea is that you can be as open and honest as possible and REALLY take a look at that limiting belief. No one will read this, it’s JUST for you!

3. Some questions to consider when writing: Where do I feel this in my body? What does this sensation want to tell me? How has this benefited me in the past? Where did I learn this? What is the truth?

Day Three


(I forgot to press record for the mediation (whoops), so it jumps right into discussion. If you’d like to watch the entire video, it lives on my IGTV and on my static feed)

Discussion: Updating your beliefs and subconscious mind, the RID method, Lightwork practices, the only business strategy you’ll ever need.

Homework: Create an affirmation rampage that you can use to tune your energy (feelings) to the frequency of your desires. You can take affirmations from the “truths” that came through in yesterday’s homework or you can create them from listening to Affirmation Rampages on YouTube. Integrate these affirmations into your life. Put them around your living space, car, and office. Create an phone alarm reminding you to do your rampage. Chant them, sing them, yell them. FEEL them with emotion!