Day Three

Believing you can manifest what you want


Hello there beautiful being!

Welcome back to the Back to Basics Manifestation series. I'm Katie J - manifestation witch and spiritual life coach.

I am so excited to wrap up this series talking about manifestation and your belief systems.

In the first video, we decided what we wanted, we got really, really clear on what it is that we want. 

In the second video, we talked about processing our shadows, looking at the doubts and the fears and the limiting beliefs that tell us that we can't have what it is that we want. We looked at the traumas, the domestication, our conditioning, everything that tells us that we cannot have what we want. 

By now, you should have already written all that stuff down, gotten super clear on what those shadowy aspects are. 

In this video, we're going to talk about belief. I talked about belief a little bit in the last video, but let's get really, really clear and on the same page. 

Your frequency, your belief, your knowing that you can have this. This is a part of my life, this is inevitable. I need this in order to live my life how I want to because my life is so much bigger than this - I'm here to serve. I get to have this right. 

That's kind of how I walk through it whenever I'm believing something. And once I actually truly do believe that in my body, it's not just an affirmation, it's a belief. Things shift, the universe now starts to send me ideas, opportunities, and situations that help me to manifest this thing into reality. 

For myself that would be this business, my van, my dog, my ability to travel and work from anywhere. Like all of it was attracted into my life. Because I took the inspired action steps. I contacted the people that the divine downloads told me to contact. I recorded the videos, I showed up on Instagram. I did the things I needed to do to build up and attract these things into my life.

Like we talked about in the last video, getting from where I was to where I am now or from where I am to where I want to go, there's always shadowy aspects that tell us that we can't have it. There is always those limiting beliefs, or domestications, or conditioning that tells us that we can't have it. Sometimes, we do a quantum leap. We say, you know what, I am no longer energetically available to be treated like that by a boss, boom, and you jump up to believing you can have the most badass job, right?

Or I am no longer energetically available for fuck boys. Boom. And then you manifest a date with your next big love, partnership, spouse, whatever, right? 

But you have to decide. That decision is all a quantum leap is - a decision to go from where you are to where you want to be. 

It's a belief that I get to have it in order to be supported in this lifetime. In order to serve my clients. In order to change the world. I need to have X, Y, and Z and I can have it and all of a sudden all the inspired action steps start to come. 

So as far as the manifestation cycle goes, it's really as simple as deciding what you want, clearing out the bullshit that's in the way of what you want, and then believing you can have it now. So sometimes we can quantum leap from where we are to where we want to be. But most of the time what we're doing is we're gradually increasing our belief system to match what it is that we desire. And it's a gradual thing, how long that takes depends on you. It depends on how much resistance that you have. Depends on how ready you are. Depends on how available you are to believing that.

What is standing in the way? Is that your domestication? Is it your trauma? Is it your resistance? Is it your belief system? And how fast are you ready to clear that?

I  don't get to decide what that is, you decide what that is. You decide how long that takes to get from where you are, to where you want to be. As far as believing that you can have it because once you believe you can have it, the universe has no other option, but to give it to you. 

So how I usually support my clients is shaving away the beliefs, the fears, the doubts, the resentments, the jealousy, the anger that's holding them back from really vibrating at the frequency of what it is they desire, by believing they can have it by believing they deserve it, by believing that nothing can stand in their way of getting it.

So what I do as a coach, as a mentor, as a circle facilitator is reflect back to people a loving mirror. Like, "Look, you're capable and able to manifest anything. But what I'm hearing you say is bla bla bla bla bla." 

And these clients don't even realize they are saying these things. Our beliefs are very, very subconscious. Which is why it's so helpful to have that mirror reflecting back to you and saying, Is this really true? Is this the actual truth? Where did you learn this? Where did you pick this up? Because it's fucking bullshit and it's poison. We get to look at that through Shadow Work together. But the process of getting from where you are to where you want to be is as simple as surrounding yourself with people who believe the way you want to believe. Surrounding yourself with people who believe that anything is possible, that money is no issue, that love is inevitable.

The five people that you spend the most time with are the reflection of what you want to manifest in your life. Surround yourself with people with voices with influences, whether it's YouTube or podcasts or Instagram doesn't have to be in person. Maybe it's me or another mentor, maybe it's a group, maybe it's a circle - it doesn't matter. Surround yourself with people who are wanting better for their lives. Surround yourself with people who are growing and expanding, and who are in the vibration of what it is that you want. 

Wow, that person feels like love. 

That person feels like abundance, that person feels like joy. Try to spend more time with those people - whether it is listening to their podcasts, their YouTube channels, or reading their blog. It doesn't always have to be paid offers.

Our beliefs are very subconscious, just like our language. So when we want to learn a new language, we immerse ourselves in that language and in that culture, and that raises our vibration to that new culture and that new language. 

Same thing with beliefs. Immersion is step one, step two repetition, you're going to hear new ways of thinking about things when you're in a circle, or an intimate container, or a group coaching program, or a mentorship, or you're starting to listen to Abraham Hicks all the sudden or whatever. You're going to start to hear words and phrases that you've never heard before. It's a whole new language. So you have to repeat it again and again and again. And that'll start to change your subconscious mind. It'll create new neural pathways in your mind, that will literally change your belief system overnight if you let it. 

So immersion, repetition, and then of course, the last thing is dedication. 

Use that repetition, use that community, use that immersion and dedicate your life to it. Dedicate your life to the fact that if you can convince yourself to believe it then you can have it.

That's what I'm doing. I gotta just do the work to believe that I can have something and that's how I live my life. I believe that I can have it and then I manifested. I believe that I could have it. I received the divine downloads and action steps. I take the inspired action, and it manifests into my reality. That's how it works. Folks. It's as simple as that. 

You look at the shadows and you shift your beliefs and that is how you manifest. That is the most basic, simple way to manifest. Set your goal, process the shadows, and believe the new life that you get to have. 

So your homework after this is to think about the beliefs of the version of yourself who already has what it is that he/she/they desire. 

Think about the version of yourself who already has what it is that you desire. 

What does that person think on a regular basis? 

What does that person, that version of yourself, believe about themselves, believe about their potential, believe about the world, believe about money, believe about love and romance and prosperity?

What does that version of yourself think about the world and about potential?

Write those things down!

I believe that I can have anything that I want. I believe that I am supported by money. I believe that I live the most beautiful lifestyle. I see growth in everything that I do. I see expansion in my life. I am a powerful manifestor. 

I look forward to hopefully seeing you at my live event where we will learn how to process shadows together so that you can do it on your own. 

My live event is at the end of the month, June 27. More details will be available for you in your email and at the bottom of this page. I will hopefully see you there, connect with you, learn from you, and hold space for you. 

Have a wonderful day and thank you so much for joining 😊👋