4 Steps to Healing Wounds From The Past
Hello beautiful soul.
Welcome to another Monday Message.
Today we are talking about accepting and healing the past. Most people are spending a lot of time at home right now with extra time to think, time to reflect, and time to meditate.
That time may have brought up a lot of past wounds that they're realizing are not healed yet.
So today, we're going to talk about how you can move on from the past, so that that energy stops affecting your manifestation - stops affecting what it is that you attract into your life.
The first thing that I want to emphasize is that the present moment right now everything that's around you, everything that you see in your life, everything that you have in your life, everything that's in your bank account, is a manifestation of the past.
The present moment is a combination of all past thoughts, past beliefs, and past actions.
If you want a new reality, if you want to manifest something that you've never had in your life, then you will need new thoughts, new beliefs and new actions.
We cannot change the past, we cannot change something that has already happened.
We can all agree on that - we cannot go back and undo some awful thing that someone said or did to us. This is not about justifying what awful thing has happened in your life, because we've all experienced setbacks.
But if you are thinking back on that past event, or that past person, maybe that breakup, maybe that falling out with a friend, and you're thinking back on that negative event, and you have all of these negative feelings and negative emotions that still come up…
Guess what?
Those thoughts that you're thinking right now, in the present moment, when you're reflecting on that past - that's affecting your current emotions, that is impacting the vibration that you are feeling in the present moment.
What you are thinking and feeling in the present moment determines your future.
If you have not accepted it, healed it, forgiven it and grown from it, then it's going to continue to impact your current reality and continue to impact your current emotions, which will impact your manifestations every single time, every single time, without fail.
The emotions that you feel right now, determine what you will attract in your future.
If your present moment is a manifestation of the past, then your future is going to be a manifestation of the present moment.
So here’s an example: the sister wound.
That’s something I'm talking about a lot now that I'm hosting online women's circles.
A lot of women have had a falling out with a bestie or they have some sort of wound with another female and other woman in their life, whether that's their mom or sister or a friend, and they have trouble creating deep friendships with other women.
They have trouble trusting other women, they have trouble moving past competition barriers with other women.
Those are the types of things that my circles are intended to heal and to move past so that women, together, can combine into a greater, stronger force for good on this planet.
Another example is maybe your dad wasn't present in your life or maybe he wasn't emotionally available, or maybe he was abusive.
Maybe he just wasn't nice to you.
And now you have shitty relationships with men, or attachment issues with men. Or you can't seem to manifest a relationship that is healthy with a man or woman in your life.
Maybe you have poor communication with them, or you have trouble speaking your truth, because you are continuously looking back on your relationship with your dad, and saying, he was awful, it was awful. He wasn't around and that just stays in your energy field, it just stays in your vibration.
When you think about those things, it creates more of it in your life. Because when you think of triggers and emotions throughout your entire body, that is your vibration, your emotions.
Another big example is the money and debt.
A lot of people are getting laid off or have been laid off with the whole Coronavirus situation.
So maybe you saw your parents struggle with money or debt, or your sibling struggles with debt and you have extremely negative views about debt and money and what money does to people and how it causes stress.
That can trigger self worth issues, you don't think that you're worthy of money.
If you get money, you spend it all. You attract unexpected bills all the time. Sometimes it's feast or famine with your work, and you don't feel supported by money, you always feel broke.
Those are all manifestations of you not healing the past - you not addressing your relationship with money and fully healing it.
How do we heal these things? How do we move on?
How do we stop letting the past impact our manifestations and impact our future?
If your present moment is a manifestation of the past, then your future is going to be a manifestation of the present moment, right?
We're all clear on that.
So how do we bring this awful cycle to an end?
The first step is to bring awareness to it.
Which you're doing right now, so congratulations! You are one step closer to healing the past and to accepting it.
Bringing the awareness to the fact that you cannot change the past, you cannot change what's already happened.
You can only change how you think about it, and how you feel about it.
You are in control of that. You're not in control of what has already happened.
But you are in control of how you think and feel about the past.
The second step is to learn from it.
What is the lesson here?
Maybe the lesson isn't even your lesson. It's not necessarily part of your life journey.
It's just realizing that the person who hurt you, that person who you had a falling out with is going through their own life journey, they are doing the best that they can, with the tools, practices, and information that they have access to right now.
They're doing the best they can.
Now, the best they can might be a shit job. They might still be a shit parent or friend.
But you can still say, I'm going to love them anyway. What I'm learning from this situation is that everybody has their own path, and that they were suffering to, they didn't know any better. I didn't know any better, either.
They were also in the dark as far as the fact that their past was going to impact their future and impact their kids and impact the other people around them. They didn't even know any better.
Maybe the lesson taught you about a trigger that you have.
For example, one of my triggers is my dog.
So if someone comes at my dog, or verbally attacks my dog, I get pissed, right?
Now I know that there are certain people in my life that I have had a negative view of because they came at my dog or my relationship with my dog.
And so I can take that and say, I can learn from this. I'm being a mama bear. I'm being a little bit over protective here, and they're just doing the best that they can. They're just trying to make a joke or they're just trying to make conversation and I need to let it go.
I am not going to let this impact me and my manifestations because my manifestations are so much more important than holding on to that negative energy towards that person.
Learn that it's not your job to change them. It's not your job to have them see things your way.
It's your job to love them anyway and let it go.
The third step is to heal it.